The Graduate School


A professor in front of a graduate-level class at the University of Akron


we’re making it easier to become a graduate student at UA

Duolingo for Admission

  • Duolingo is accepted for admission purposes.  A minimum score of 115 is required.  Duolingo scores cannot be used to satisfy the speaking requirement for consideration as a teaching assistant. 

Five-year/accelerated bachelor's and master's degrees

  • You can complete your bachelor's and master's degrees in as little as five years and at a significant savings with our accelerated degree option.
  • GRE is not required.
  • Select degree programs are available for this accelerated option.

Dates and deadlines

  • May 18 - 3wk Intersession and 8wk 1 classes begin
  • May 25 - Memorial Day observance (University closed)
  • June 8 - 5wk 1 and 8wk 2 classes begin
  • July 1 - Summer 2020 graduation application due
  • July 3 - Independence Day observance (University closed)
  • July 13 - 5wk 2 classes begin
  • Aug. 14 (5:00 pm) - Final thesis/dissertation deadline

Inside the school

Contact us

The Graduate School
Leigh Hall, Room 515
Akron, Ohio 44325-2101
Phone: (330) 972-7663
Fax: (330) 972-6475

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A crowd at a concert in downtown Akron, Ohio

The advantages of living and studying in Akron.